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B-17 Flying Fortress - 1/32 - Motors, Sound & Lights set - Taxiway (Generation III)

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B-17 Flying Fortress - 1/32 - Motors, Sound & Lights set - Taxiway (Generation III)
Product Details
Circuit: MSM-2xSpk-R
Email: Military Airplane

This electronic set is now upgraded to Generation III, meaning

  • Very handy and more reliable JST connectors. Once plugged, it is plugged.
  • Even once the model is completed, you can still remove the wings for transportation, thanks to the wing hubs.
  • As long the circuit remains accessible, the configuration will be upgradable to Generation IV (Full remote control via Android Smartphone)
  • and so on ...

The configuration reproduces one by one the different steps from the crew getting on board till the roaring of the Pratt & Whitney R-1690 Hornet radial engines engines before take off, including the full navigation, landing and cockpit-Cabin-Battle stations lights system.

Our program is based on original soundtracks recorded at the Yankee Air Museum (Detroit, USA) by the restoration team who has restored, maintain and flys B-17G serial number 44-85829 'Yankee Lady' 'Yankee Lady' (see our web page dedicated to Kai Wolter). The circuit board has been programmed accordingly and starts-up the 4 different engines.

Please, look at the detailed build by Bernard Demer on our Blog - To come very soon

Please, look at the different videos on our YouTube channel - To come very soon

The Electronic kit will reproduce in sequence :

1) Crew gets on board : Cabin and gun stations : lights on

2) External power supply on on : Dashboard on, cabin lights off

3) Pre-flight check list : Wings and Tail navigation lights on

4) Clearance check : Landing lights on, gun stations off

5) Engine nr 2 starts

6) Engine nr 1 starts

5) Engine nr 3 starts

5) Engine nr 4 starts

Taxiway warming up from low to high RPMs

... and Shutdown in reverse sequence

The configuration contains :

- 1 x HighTech UV Glue

- 4 x M60 engines

- 3D Printed parts for Engines & Propellers perfect allignment

- 2 x NanoLeds for Wings navigation lights

- 1 x NanoLed for Tail navigation light (Not existing on B-17 version G)

- 6 x NanoLeds for Cabin & gun stations lights

(Bomber, Front & rear Cockpit, Radio-Navigator, waist gunners & Tail gunner)

- 2 x 50mm full range Speakers

- 1 x programmed IT Circuit board MSM-8x2-2xSPK-JST

- Power supply :

- 4 x Standard AA Batteries holder with switch On/off (No batteries included)

Like any other Magic Scale Modeling electronics, this set is really Plug & Play ...

No engineer required, No Welding, No resistances ...

Just build your model around

Available Option

- 'Wireless like power supply' : No cabling exiting the airplane, but contact by magnets throught the wheels

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