Privacy Policy
1. Intro
The proper handling of personal information is extremely important to us.
We therefore take great care when processing and protecting your personal information. This is done in accordance with the terms and conditions of the Data Protection Act.
To ensure your privacy as far as possible, we adhere to the following core values:
Information: We wish to inform you about why and how we process personal information. This is described in our privacy statement
Limited collection: We take great care to limit the information we collect to only that which is necessary for our services
No personal marketing: We will never share your personal information for marketing purposes. Never
Right of access and correction: We respect your right to access, correct, or delete your personal information.
This privacy and cookie statement describes how we implement these core values and how we respect and protect your right to privacy. We strongly urge you to read this statement carefully.
2. Use of personal information
We only store and use personal information that has been directly provided by you.
3. Purposes of data processing
The personal information we collect is exclusively used for the following purposes:
to process your order
to meet our legal obligations
to inform you about our developments
4. Types of personal information
We can process the following personal information you provide:
date of birth
e-mail address
phone number
5. Third Parties
We will not share your personal information with third parties at all.
A-10 Fairchild Warthog - Lights set - 1/48
This configuration fits any 1/48 scale Fairchild Warthog and reproduces the full navigation light system, by proposing 2 different configurations.
1) Airplane on Taxi Way
2) Airplane Taking off, Landing of Flying
Contain of the lightning kit :.
Navigation lights are fading in/out, Position lights are plain lights and Beacons are flashing asynchronously.
The configuration contains :
- 1 x HighTech UV Glue
- Electro-luminescent identification stripes (Glow in dark stickers)
- 2 x 10mm Flickering Led for Exhausts
- 2 x Nano Leds for front end Wings navigation lights (Fading in/out)
- 2 x Nano Leds for back end Wings position lights
- 2 x Nano Leds for Tail surfaces navigation light (Fading in/out)
- 1 x Nano Led for Tail end navigation light (Fading in/out)
- 1 x Nano Led for Upper fuselage Beacon
- 2 x Nano Leds for main gear Landing lights
-1 x Nano Leds for nose gear Taxi lights
- 2 x Nano Leds for Cockpit Panels
The kit is of course Plug & Play and feed by 4 x AA Standard batteries 1.5v
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Identify your preferred light configuration :
1) Airplane on Taxi Way
Reproduction in sequence of the operations performed by the crew
from boarding to take-off
1) Cockpit lights and console switchs on
2) Navigation lights on - Cockpit lights off
3) Exhaust on
4) Landing and Taxi light on
5) Anti-collision beacon On
2 minutes All on
Shutdown in the reverse sequence
30 seconds All off
Start of a new cycle
2) Airplane Taking off, Landing of Flying mode
Reproduction of the airplane taking off or landing. When building, take care as
the configuration of the flaps may be different.
No cycle. All lights on and no cycles nor shutdown time.
1) Cockpit lights off and console switches on
2) Navigation lights on - Fading in / Fading out
3) Exhaust on
4) Landing light on (Not to be shown in flight mode as Landing gears are retracted)
5) Anti-collision On - Flashing