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Why shouldn't you use our work (or any other artist's) without permission? 
Basically, because it's theft. Theft of time and theft of skill. 
Some people may assume that the work's there, it's been done, the author isn't losing anything by it being 'borrowed'. 


But that's not the case. It takes TIME to create artwork and to gather documentation. 

If you got a decorator to paint a wall in your house you wouldn't look at the finished work and use the argument "I supplied the paint, the brush and the wall. The paint's now on the wall rather than in the tin, but otherwise nothing's changed. So frankly I'm at a loss to understand what I'm supposed to be paying you for." You have to factor in the TIME. 
Equally you wouldn't go to a vegetable shop and just pick up a cauliflower and walk out with it on the grounds that "It's just there". You know someone has invested time, effort and materials in growing that vegetable. The same applies to art. 

Creating art or technology is just the same as any other job of work. 

Anyone who wants to use other one’s work without paying for it should be prepared to donate an equal amount of their own time to doing work for the artist. If you don't like that idea, don't use the art. 

Finally, and very importantly, if artists aren't paid for their work they can't afford to be artists any more. They'll do something else. As a result the supply of high quality art will dry up and the only new art that becomes available will be second rate work by inexperienced artists. It's taken me forty years of constant effort to reach my own level of competence

if people hadn't paid me in the past this work wouldn't be here today. If you don't pay today, it won't be here tomorrow.

Thanks in advance to respect our work

We respect someone else’s work

We are pioneering in a very unusual subject … It is quite easy to identify what kind of lights and sound can be found on the latest Volkswagen but far more difficult for a 1950ies fighter like the F-86 Sabre or the SR-71 Blackbird.

For all kind of vehicles/Airplanes/Ships and so on which are not accessible for us, we completely depend of available documents available in books, magazines, videos and … the web.

It is definitively NOT our intention to miss use images or information protected by any kind of copyright.


Whenever you would identify such document on our web site or documentation, please contact us with the identification of the particular document and your credits and we’ll come back to you immediately to add your credits or remove the document.

Version V1.01 June 2018

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